Simon Hopper Hoping For Love

So I recently just finish Simon Hoper main story from NTT Solmare latest Shall We Date? series, Modern Cinderella. So I decide to write this entry. Okay before I begin, I have a confession to make… I am actually a sucker for fairy tale so of course I gotta play this one 😁😁😁

It’s feel like a trend nowadays. Opposite of the original Cinderella story, we do not follow the trend rags to riches but the opposite… riches to rags. Cinderella Phenomenon also used the same concept but of course the story is completely different. 😆😆😆

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Nolan Love’s Get More Tangle

I think I have a weird tendency to choose dramatic topic even for a simple thing 😜😜😜

Anyway just from the title I have given hint about who I am talking about. It’s Nolan Arvin Zerek Junior one of the love interest in Shall We Date? Love Tangle game developed by NTT Solmare. He is the hot shot lawyer with 100% winning rate… well since this is fiction it definitely possible. I am gonna talk about Nolan sequel and it contain a bit of spoiler and a lot of rant so be warned 😘😘😘

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