Uncovering More Liar In Glamorous World Of Socialites

Have I mention before that Liar! Uncover The Truth from Voltage Inc is one of my favourite game? Never? Well now you know 😘

Anyway I am really happy to share that another new Liar! story is coming this July! Liar 3 which have been given name Liar! Scheming Socialites have been announce to make it’s debut this July.

This new story will feature new mc, new cast and set in glamorous world of socilites. Ok, so I don’t have much information on it yet but from the Japanesse opening video for this game it looks pretty damn cool.

Anyway unlike the previous mc, this mc is rather young. She is still in college but like mc in Liar! Uncover The Truth, she is trying to find her own love rather than succumb to her match making parents decision (especially since the guy her parent try to set is not her taste). She is looking for the perfect guy to convince her parents to allow her to live the life she want after graduation.

Unfortunately like the other 2 heroine, this mc also have terrible luck with guys (and girls). So in order to find her happily ever after, she must first find the liars.

If you want to know more detail I recommend you to check Voltage Inc Wiki. There still not much info however but at least the information is much clearer than what I give 😝😝😝